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Plain tree, 1st column can contain IDs.Parentage trails are ignored."Definition" column before the tree is supported.

1001Animals with hair and boobiesMammalia
2002Animals with hair and boobies that are kind of like cats and dogsMammaliaBoreoeutheria
3003Animals with hair and boobies that are kind of like cats and dogs, but not the sameMammaliaBoreoeutheriaLaurasiatheria
4004Animals with hair and boobies that are kind of like cats and dogs, but different againMammaliaBoreoeutheriaEuarchontoglires
5005Animals with hair and boobies that are kind of like cats and dogs, but not reallyMammaliaBoreoeutheriaMeridiungulata
6006Animals with hair and no boobies that roll up like ballsMammaliaXenarthra
7007Animals with hair and long noses that like to digMammaliaAfrotheria
8008Animals that lay eggs and have scalesReptilia
9009Animals that lay eggs and have shells, like a helmetReptiliaTestudinata
10010Animals that lay eggs and have shells, like a helmet, but differentReptiliaTestudinataCryptodira