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- Software ArchitectureThe software architecture is the logical structure of the software.
- Databases
- DirectoriesThis is the set of components used for directories at HL.
- Directory 1.0This is the current directory components.
- Alias Publisher
- Core Provider Directory Feed
- Provider Directory Web AppThe function of this component is to provide a web based interface for the provider directory (pd-webapp).
- Provider Lookup ServiceThe function of this component is to lookup directory information on providers and organisations they are associated with, using a search interface (LDAP).
- Directory 2.0The Directory 2.0 is the set of components used to provide the new Provider Directory using the FHIR based data model and interface.
- Directory 1.0This is the current directory components.
- FormsThis is the set of service components used to deliver on-line forms functionality for HL.
- Forms 1.0The Forms 1.0 components is the current set of form components.
- Aduro Launch Service (ALS)The ALS service is used to implement the redirection service for the Aduro inbox launch functionality. The ALS service is hosted on a dedicated Tomcat application server. Dependencies: • Runtime / Start-up o ProfileLoader database
- Aduro ServerThis component is hosted inside the EMR/PMS and provides a Aduro interface which is accessed by HealthLink Forms. The function of this component is to retrieve patient information (getData), save forms to the EMR (saveContainer), re-opening submitted form (getFormView) and request other EMR activity (processAction).
- Form Directory (FD) ServerThis function of this component is to lookup the form application URL based on a form identifier provided by the Forms Director component.
- Forms ConfigThe Forms Config service is used to publish form configuration information held in a database for run-time configuration of forms. To provide fast access, the data is stored in a cache which the Forms Server reads from directly when required. The Forms Config is hosted on a dedicated JBoss application server.
- Forms DirectorThis component is a web proxy built within the quantum client, it is used to orchestrate the activities of other components, to provide a single point of access and control of the form application and its operations.
- Forms Directory (Homepage)The Homepage service is used to provide the entry page for site users when they login, it contains a list of the forms that the site is configured to use. The Homepage service is hosted on a dedicated Tomcat application server. Dependencies: • Runtime / Start-up o FormsAccess database
- Forms ServerThis component provides centralised hosting for all online form applications. The function of this component is to serve web content based on a supplied form identifier.
- Hiso ServerThis component is hosted inside the EMR/PMS and provides a HISO interface which is accessed by HealthLink Forms. The function of this component is to retrieve patient information (getData), save forms to the EMR (saveContainer), re-opening submitted form (getFormView) and request other EMR activity (processAction).
- Quantum IISThis is the front-end web server for the Forms platform, based . The function of this server is to act as a secure gateway for the Forms Director to communicate back with HealthLink, it provides client certificate validation against the Healthlink CA along with routing rules to forward incoming requests to other services.
- Forms 1.5The Forms 1.5 components allow the eReferral Forms Configurable Tab view layout to be data driven around a fixed set of input and output controls.
- Concept Validation ServiceThe function of this component is to return a set form concept validation rules for each form definition.
- View Definition ServiceThe function of this component is to return the configured view layout controls for a form definition, to allow rendering within the configurable part of the form.
- Forms 2.0The Forms 2.0 components provide updated UX features and the ability to easily integrate Partner platforms.
- Forms 1.0The Forms 1.0 components is the current set of form components.
- General Components
- HealthLink PortalThe function of this component is to provide non-EMR based users the ability to access HealthLink services.
- MessagingThis is the set of service-components at HL used to deliver secure 2-way messaging
- Messaging 1.0The version 1.0 service components for messaging.
- EJBCA ServerEJBCA is an enterprise class PKI Certificate Authority It provides functionality to create keystores and certificates.
- Global Connection Server (GCS)The function of this component is to manage the hms client connection activity. Main tasks: -Authentication -Connection logging/activity -Lookup address queue
- Global Profile Server (GPS)The function of the Global Profile Server (GPS) is to centrally manage hms profile information.
- Global Registration Authority (GRA) ServerThe purpose of this component is to provide PKI Registration Authority (RA) functionality. The GRA integrates with multiple backed Certificate Authorities (CA) that generate the certificate.
- HMS ClientThe function of this component is to provide an interface to the HL network for sending and receiving messages.
- Swift MQ ServerThe function of this component is to place messages within a queue where they are stored until the recipient retrieves them. The hms client uses this component as an intermediary for sending and receiving messages.
- SMDThis is the set of messaging components used for SMD messaging
- Messaging 1.0The version 1.0 service components for messaging.
- Rapid Deployment
- RoutesThis is the set of synchronous based form submission routes. The function is to provides the functionality to route received form submissions to a selected recipient endpoint.
Other tasks are to provides logging for tracking and monitoring purposes.
- Submission RouteThe function of this component is to receive the incoming form based submission, transform the data to a compliant messaging format and route to the receiving endpoint. The main tasks of this component are: Event logging Transformation and validation Web interface adaption
- Third Party Applications
Software Architecture 47 concepts
By @roger