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- Mappe1
- U: humanity
- V: general class
- a: forms
- aa: nothing
- ab: individuals
- ac: classes
- ad: deictics
- ae: relations
- af: predications
- ag: operations
- ah: properties
- ai: propositions
- aj: general algebraic systems
- ak: ordered sets
- al: fields
- am: rings
- an: numbers
- an57nb: prime numbers
- an9i: integer numbers
- an9k: exponential rational
- an9r: real
- an9t: imaginary
- an9u: complex
- an9w: transcendent
- ana: negative quantities
- anad: negative tens of billions or more
- anae: negative billions
- anaf: negative hundreds of millions
- anag: negative tens of millions
- anah: negative millions
- anai: negative hundreds of thousands
- anaj: negative tens of thousands
- anak: negative thousands
- anal: negative hundreds
- anam: negative tens
- anan: negative units
- anb: none
- anc: few
- and: less than billionths
- ane: billionths
- anh: millionths
- ank: thousandths
- anl: hundredths
- anm: tenths
- ann: some
- ano: tens
- anp: hundreds
- anq: thousands
- anr: tens of thousands
- ans: hundreds of thousands
- ant: millions
- anu: tens of millions
- anv: hundreds of millions
- anw: billions
- anx: more than billions
- any: many
- an~: infinite
- ao: vectors
- ap: tensors
- ar: categories
- as: groups
- au: functions
- aua: constants
- aub: real functions
- auc: integrals
- aud: functions of a complex variable
- aue: potential
- auf: several complex variables
- aug: special functions
- auh: ordinary differential equation
- aui: partial differential equations
- auj: dynamical systems
- auk: difference equations
- aul: sequences
- aum: approximations
- aun: sinusoidal basis functions
- auo: basic waves
- aup: integral transforms
- auq: integral equations
- aur: spaces of functions
- aus: operators
- auv: calculus of variations
- av: algorithms
- aw: systems
- b: spacetime
- bA: present here and now
- ba: time
- bb: space
- bb9a: concave
- bb9n: convex
- bb9y: complex
- bbA: here
- bba: points
- bbb: curves
- bbc: surfaces
- bbca: areas
- bbcb: angles
- bbcba: 0 to 15 degrees
- bbcbb: 15 to 30 degrees
- bbcbc: 30 to 45 degrees
- bbcbd: 45 to 60 degrees
- bbcbe: 60 to 75 degrees
- bbcbf: 75 to 90 degrees
- bbcbg: 90 to 105 degrees
- bbcbh: 105 to 120 degrees
- bbcbi: 120 to 135 degrees
- bbcbj: 135 to 150 degrees
- bbcbk: 150 to 165 degrees
- bbcbl: 165 to 180 degrees
- bbcbm: 180 to 195 degrees
- bbcbn: 195 to 210 degrees
- bbcbo: 210 to 225 degrees
- bbcbp: 225 to 240 degrees
- bbcbq: 240 to 255 degrees
- bbcbr: 255 to 270 degrees
- bbcbs: 270 to 285 degrees
- bbcbt: 285 to 300 degrees
- bbcbu: 300 to 315 degrees
- bbcbv: 315 to 330 degrees
- bbcbw: 330 to 345 degrees
- bbcbx: 345 to 360 degrees
- bbcby: 360 degrees
- bbcg: polygons
- bbcy: circles
- bbe: four-dimensional space
- bbUa: this
- bbUd: that
- bbUt: that yonder
- bWq: nature s.s.
- bbd: solids
- bp: processes
- c: energy
- c3r: radiation
- c9e: mechanic energy
- c9g: gravitational energy
- c9h: thermal energy
- c9l: electric energy
- c9m: chemical energy
- c9n: nuclear energy
- c9r: radiant energy
- ca: alpha radiation
- cb: beta radiation
- cl: electromagnetic radiation
- cn: neutron radiation
- ct: thermal radiation
- czp: preons
- czs: branes
- d: particles
- d6g: gravitation
- d6l: electromagnetic interaction
- d6n: weak interaction
- d6s: strong interaction
- d70c: slow
- d70y: fast
- d7g: rectilinear motion
- d7r: rotational motion
- d83b: positive spin
- d83c: negative spin
- d9a: positive charge
- d9n: negative charge
- dg: gauge bosons
- dkWq: fermions
- dl: leptons
- dq: quarks
- dsWt: hadrons
- dt: protons
- du: neutrons
- e: atoms
- e5a: nucleus
- e5b: level 1 orbital
- e5c: level 2 orbital
- e5d: level 3 orbital
- e5e: level 4 orbital
- e7: electronegativity
- e9a: negative charge
- e9n: positive charge
- eb: period 1 elements
- ec: period 2 elements
- ed: period 3 elements
- ee: period 4 elements
- ef: period 5 elements
- eg: period 6 elements
- eh: period 7 elements
- eXn: boron group
- eXo: carbon group
- eXp: nitrogen group
- eXq: chalcogens
- eXr: halogens
- eXs: noble gases
- f: molecules
- f39d: endothermic
- f39s: exothermic
- f39x: explosive
- f3d: decomposition
- f3n: nitration
- f3o: oxidation
- f6c: covalent bond
- f6f: ionic bond
- f6h: hydrogen bonding
- f6n: Van der Waals bond
- f79c: acid
- f79y: base
- fa: pure substances
- fb: main group compounds
- fd: hydrocarbons
- fe: alcohols
- ff: aldehydes
- fg: ketones
- fh: ethers
- fi: carboxylic acids
- fj: esters
- fk: amines
- fo: carbohydrates
- fp: lipids
- fq: nucleotides
- fr: amino acids
- fs: polysaccharides
- ft: proteins
- fu: nucleic acids
- fU: water
- fx: solid state compounds
- g: bodies
- g39n: noise
- g39t: tone
- g3: sound propagating
- g59b: pure substances
- g59m: mixtures
- g82c: small
- g82y: big
- g833d: radiation
- g833u: conduction
- g833v: convection
- g83c: cool
- g83pchd: 273
- g83pdhd: 373
- g83y: warm
- g84c: light
- g84y: heavy
- gd: degenerate matter
- ge: quark-gluon plasma
- gf: plasma
- gg: gases
- gi: dispersions
- gl: liquids
- gm: superfluids
- go: gels
- gq: glasses
- gr: supersolids
- gs: solids
- gx: crystals
- gy: Bose-Einstein condensates
- h: celestial objects
- i: weather
- id: clouds
- ie: haze
- if: fog
- ihWl: precipitation
- ii: rain
- ij: snow
- il: hail
- in: winds
- io: storms
- ip: cyclones
- it: climates
- it5i: spring
- it5m: summer
- it5p: fall
- it5s: winter
- ita: climate of ice-caps
- itb: tundra climate
- ite: wet continental climate
- itf: medium-latitude desert and steppe climate
- itm: mediterranean climate
- itn: oceanic temperate climate
- itp: wet subtropical climate
- itq: dry-wet tropical climate
- its: desert and western coast climate
- itt: desert and tropical steppe climate
- itw: trade-wind coastal climate
- ity: equatorial climate
- j: land
- j14c: dawn
- j14n: morning
- j14p: noon
- j14v: sunset
- j14y: night
- j16l: Caledonian
- j16p: Alpine
- j1c: Precambrian
- j1d: Palaeozoic
- j1e: Mesozoic
- j1f: Tertiary
- j1g: Quaternary
- j3c: creeps
- j3m: mudflows
- j3s: slumps
- j3u: rockfalls
- j3x: earthquakes
- j4a: northern
- j4d: north-eastern
- j4g: eastern
- j4j: south-eastern
- j4m: southern
- j4p: south-western
- j4s: western
- j4v: north-western
- j63d: deposition
- j63r: erosion
- j63w: weathering
- j6b: tectonic factors
- j6c: volcanic activity
- j6e: meteorites
- j6i: wind
- j6j: dissolution
- j6l: glaciers
- j6q: ground water
- j6r: surface water
- j6s: waves
- j6v: algae
- j6w: plants
- j6x: animals
- j6y: human activity
- j9a: under sea level
- j9b: sea level
- j9o: lowlands
- j9p: hill
- j9q: mountain
- ja: minerals
- jb: mineraloids
- jc: rocks
- jd: rock beds
- je: rock members
- jf: rock formations
- jg: rock groups
- jh: rock supergroups
- jp: plates
- js: landforms
- jU: regions of the contemporary Earth
- jUa: Atlantic Ocean
- jUaa: Arctic Ocean
- jUab: Baffin Bay
- jUad: Gulf of St. Lawrence
- jUaf: Bay of Fundy
- jUah: Caribbean Sea
- jUai: Gulf of Mexico
- jUak: Sargasso Sea
- jUal: Baltic Sea
- jUan: North Sea
- jUao: Sea of the Hebrides
- jUap: Irish Sea
- jUaq: Celtic Sea
- jUas: Bay of Biscay
- jUat: Mediterranean Sea
- jUau: Black Sea
- jUaw: Gulf of Guinea
- jUaWd: oceans
- jUb: Indian Ocean
- jUc: Pacific Ocean
- jUca: Gulf of Thailand
- jUcb: Java Sea
- jUcc: Savu Sea
- jUcd: Molucca Sea
- jUce: Halmahera Sea
- jUcf: Solomon Sea
- jUcg: Bismarck Sea
- jUch: Gulf of Carpentaria
- jUci: Coral Sea
- jUcj: Yellow Sea
- jUck: Tasman Sea
- jUcl: Timor Sea
- jUcm: Banda Sea
- jUcn: Flores Sea
- jUco: Camotes Sea
- jUcp: Philippine Sea
- jUcq: Bohol Sea
- jUcr: Celebes Sea
- jUcs: South China Sea
- jUct: East China Sea
- jUcu: Sea of Japan
- jUcv: Sea of Cortez
- jUcw: Gulf of Alaska
- jUcx: Bering Sea
- jUcy: Chilean Sea
- jUd: Southern Ocean
- jUe: Europe
- jUea: Iceland
- jUeb: Ireland
- jUec: Great Britain
- jUedzj: Torne basin
- jUedzk: Kemijoki basin
- jUee: Neva basin
- jUef: Nemunas basin
- jUeg: Vistula basin
- jUeh: Oder basin
- jUei: Elbe basin
- jUej: Rhine basin
- jUek: Loire basin
- jUel: Douro basin
- jUem: Tago basin
- jUen: Ebro basin
- jUeo: Rhone basin
- jUep: Po basin
- jUeq: Adige basin
- jUer: Drin basin
- jUev: Maritsa basin
- jUeWy: continents
- jUh: Africa
- jUk: Asia
- jUka: Arabia
- jUkb: Mesopotamia
- jUkd: Indus basin
- jUkg: Ganges basin
- jUki: Irrawaddy basin
- jUkj: Salween basin
- jUkk: Caspian basin
- jUkl: Aral basin
- jUkm: Balkhash basin
- jUkn: Pechora basin
- jUko: Ob' basin
- jUkp: Yenisey basin
- jUkq: Lena basin
- jUkr: Kolyma basin
- jUks: Gobi basin
- jUkt: Amur basin
- jUku: Huang He basin
- jUkv: Chang Jiang basin
- jUkw: Xi Jiang basin
- jUkx: Mekong basin
- jUky: Malay archipelago
- jUo: Oceania
- jUt: North America
- jUv: South America
- jUX: continents and oceans of contemporary Earth
- jUy: Antarctica
- jUa: Atlantic Ocean
- jw: aquifers
- jy: soils
- k: genes
- l: bacteria
- l3d: division
- l3g: growth
- l3s: secretion
- l3u: bioluminescence
- l3v: movement
- l5a: nucleoid
- l5p: cytoplasm
- l5q: plasma membrane
- l5u: flagellum
- l5w: cell wall
- l5x: capsule
- l5y: pili
- l7e: homeostasis
- l7h: safety
- l7n: nutrition
- l7o: locomotion
- l7p: perception
- l7r: reproduction
- l7y: death
- l8c: coccus
- l8d: budding
- l8f: filamentous
- l8h: helical
- l8i: bacillus
- l8m: comma-shaped
- l8q: club rod
- l8r: enlarged rod
- l8s: spirochete
- l8v: vibrio
- lh: archaea
- lk: bacteria
- lka: acidobacteria
- lkb: actinobacteria
- lkc: aquificae
- lkd: bacteroidetes
- lke: chlamydiae
- lkf: chloroflexi
- lkg: chrysiogenetes
- lkh: cyanobacteria
- lki: deferribacteres
- lkj: deinococcus-thermus
- lkk: dictyoglomi
- lkl: fibrobacteres
- lkm: firmicutes
- lkn: fusobacteria
- lko: gemmatimonadetes
- lkp: nitrospirae
- lkq: planctomycetes
- lkr: proteobacteria
- lks: spirochaetes
- lkt: synergistetes
- lku: tenericutes
- lkv: thermodesulfobacteria
- lkw: thermotogae
- m: organisms
- m25a: benthos
- m25c: plankton and nekton
- m3r: reproduction
- m45c: nucleus
- m45g: Golgi apparatus
- m45l: chloroplasts
- m45m: mytochondria
- m45p: cytoplasm
- m45t: membrane
- m81a: conception
- m81b: zygote
- m81c: embryo
- m81d: birth
- m81e: newborn
- m81g: larva
- m81i: very young
- m81l: adolescent
- m81n: young
- m81p: adult
- m81v: old
- m81w: death
- m81x: dead
- m81y: fossil
- m99p: persons
- m9f: female
- m9k: indeterminate gender
- m9m: male
- me: excavates
- mf: rhizaria
- mh: chromalveolata
- mj: amoebozoa
- mn: fungi
- mp: plants
- mp36in: pollinated by wind
- mp36mq: pollinated by animals
- mp5f: roots
- mp5g: stems
- mp5h: branches
- mp5i: lymphatic system
- mp5l: leaves
- mp5s: seeds
- mp5t: fruits
- mp5w: flowers
- mp85h: herbaceous
- mp85s: shrubby
- mp85t: arboreous
- mpa: chlorophytes
- mpc: charophytes
- mpe: liverworts
- mph: hornworts
- mpj: mosses
- mpl: club mosses
- mpn: ferns
- mpo: cycads
- mpq: ginkgos
- mpr: conifers
- mpt: gnetophytes
- mpw: flowering plants
- mpwa: monocotyledons
- mpwd: magnoliidae
- mpwh: hamamelidae
- mpwk: caryophyllidae
- mpwkc: caryophyllales
- mpwkp: polygonales
- mpwku: plumbaginales
- mpwn: dilleniidae
- mpwnb: dilleniales
- mpwnd: theales
- mpwndb: ochnaceae
- mpwndc: sphaerosepalaceae
- mpwndd: sarcolaenaceae
- mpwnde: dipterocarpaceae
- mpwndf: caryocaraceae
- mpwndh: theaceae
- mpwndi: actinidiaceae
- mpwndj: scytopetalaceae
- mpwndk: pentaphylacaceae
- mpwndl: tetrameristaceae
- mpwndm: pellicieraceae
- mpwndo: oncothecaceae
- mpwndp: marcgraviaceae
- mpwndq: quiinaceae
- mpwndr: elatinaceae
- mpwnds: paracryphiaceae
- mpwndt: medusagynaceae
- mpwndu: clusiaceae
- mpwnf: malvales
- mpwnfe: elaeocarpaceae
- mpwnfi: tiliaceae
- mpwnfk: sterculiaceae
- mpwnfo: bombacaceae
- mpwnfv: malvaceae
- mpwnh: lecythidales
- mpwnj: nepenthales
- mpwnl: violales
- mpwnlb: flacourtiaceae
- mpwnlc: peridiscaceae
- mpwnld: bixaceae
- mpwnle: cistaceae
- mpwnlf: huaceae
- mpwnlg: lacistemataceae
- mpwnlh: scyphostegiaceae
- mpwnli: stachyuraceae
- mpwnlj: violaceae
- mpwnlk: tamaricaceae
- mpwnll: frankeniaceae
- mpwnlm: dioncophyllaceae
- mpwnln: ancistrocladaceae
- mpwnlo: turneraceae
- mpwnlp: malesherbiaceae
- mpwnlq: passifloraceae
- mpwnlr: achariaceae
- mpwnls: caricaceae
- mpwnlt: fouquieriaceae
- mpwnlu: hoplestigmataceae
- mpwnlv: cucurbitaceae
- mpwnlw: datiscaceae
- mpwnlx: begoniaceae
- mpwnly: loasaceae
- mpwnn: salicales
- mpwnp: capparales
- mpwnr: batales
- mpwns: ericales
- mpwnt: diapensiales
- mpwnv: ebenales
- mpwny: primulales
- mpwr: rosidae
- mpwra: rosales
- mpwrab: brunelliaceae
- mpwrac: connaraceae
- mpwrad: eucryphiaceae
- mpwrae: cunoniaceae
- mpwraf: davidsoniaceae
- mpwrag: dialypetalanthaceae
- mpwrah: pittosporaceae
- mpwrai: byblidaceae
- mpwraj: hydrangeaceae
- mpwrak: columelliaceae
- mpwral: grossulariaceae
- mpwram: greyiaceae
- mpwran: bruniaceae
- mpwrao: anisophylleaceae
- mpwrap: alseuosmiaceae
- mpwraq: crassulaceae
- mpwrar: cephalotaceae
- mpwras: saxifragaceae
- mpwrat: rosaceae
- mpwrau: neuradaceae
- mpwrav: crossosomataceae
- mpwraw: chrysobalanaceae
- mpwrax: surianaceae
- mpwray: rhabdodendraceae
- mpwrb: fabales
- mpwrc: proteales
- mpwrd: podostemales
- mpwre: haloragales
- mpwrf: myrtales
- mpwrh: rhizophorales
- mpwri: cornales
- mpwrj: santalales
- mpwrk: rafflesiales
- mpwrl: celastrales
- mpwro: euphorbiales
- mpwrr: rhamnales
- mpwrs: linales
- mpwrt: polygalales
- mpwru: sapindales
- mpwrub: staphyleaceae
- mpwrud: melianthaceae
- mpwruf: bretschneideraceae
- mpwruh: akaniaceae
- mpwrui: sapindaceae
- mpwruk: hippocastanaceae
- mpwrum: aceraceae
- mpwruo: burseraceae
- mpwrup: anacardiaceae
- mpwrur: julianiaceae
- mpwrus: simaroubaceae
- mpwruu: cneoraceae
- mpwruv: meliaceae
- mpwrux: rutaceae
- mpwruy: zygophyllaceae
- mpwrw: geraniales
- mpwrx: apiales
- mpwra: rosales
- mpwt: asteridae
- mpwtdh: solanaceae
Mappe1 1872 concepts
By @ilcskosbuilder