Switch view
side scroll
- Appian Taxonomy
- Appian Solutions
- Low-Code Platform
- Data
- Process
- Interface
- Integration
- Logic / Expressions
- Data types
- Date and time
- Decisions
- Errors
- Functions
- Rule object
- Syntax
- String literal
- Null keyword
- Array syntax
- Array type condense
- Dictionary syntax
- Math operators
- Concatenation operator
- Comparison operators
- Comparison edge cases
- Operator precedence
- Comments
- Functions
- Positional parameters
- Keyword parameters
- Function composition
- Deferred arguments (underscore)
- Common syntax errors
- Rule / function references
- Don't put trailing commas in arrays
- Variables
- Indexing
- Expression Editor
- Deployment
- Building Package
- Promoting Package
- I/X applications and patches
- Import customization file
- Inspect package
- Connected environments
- Object comparison
- Skipped import of unchanged objects
- Publish/unpublish application
- I/X admin configurations
- Import tests w/ objects
- Automated Deployment Manager
- Cannot easily revert an application
- Can't diff all objects
- Web Administration
Appian Taxonomy 212 concepts
By @oojedi