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Urinal systems 1 device
- ID
- 6472511000001108
- Name/Description
- Urinal systems 1 device
- Virtual product
- Urinal systems
- Quantity
- 1.00
- Unit
- device
- Drug Tariff
- Part IXb
573 Actual packs
- '
- '55' male urinal LM756200 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- A
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with extra large briefs ABPlus/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S. Bullen St...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with extra large briefs ABPlus/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S. Bullen St...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with extra large briefs ABPlus/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S. Bulle...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with extra large briefs ABPlus/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S. Bullen St...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with extra large briefs ABPlus/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S. Bulle...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with extra large briefs ABPlus/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S. Bullen St...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with extra large briefs ABPlus/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S. Bullen St...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with large briefs ABPlus/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stomacar...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with large briefs ABPlus/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stomacar...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with large briefs ABPlus/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stom...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with large briefs ABPlus/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stomacar...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with large briefs ABPlus/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stom...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with large briefs ABPlus/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stomacar...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with large briefs ABPlus/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stomacar...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with medium briefs ABPlus/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stomaca...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with medium briefs ABPlus/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stomaca...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with medium briefs ABPlus/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Sto...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with medium briefs ABPlus/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stomaca...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with medium briefs ABPlus/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Sto...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with medium briefs ABPlus/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stomaca...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with medium briefs ABPlus/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stomaca...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with small briefs ABPlus/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stomacar...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with small briefs ABPlus/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stomacar...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with small briefs ABPlus/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stom...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with small briefs ABPlus/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stomacar...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with small briefs ABPlus/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stom...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with small briefs ABPlus/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stomacar...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with small briefs ABPlus/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stomacar...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with XX large briefs ABPlus/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stoma...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with XX large briefs ABPlus/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stoma...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with XX large briefs ABPlus/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S. Bullen S...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with XX large briefs ABPlus/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stoma...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with XX large briefs ABPlus/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S. Bullen S...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with XX large briefs ABPlus/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stoma...
- Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with XX large briefs ABPlus/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S. Bullen Stoma...
- Adjustable web belt 0304 95cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Adjustable web belt 0305 115cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Adjustable web belt 0306 150cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Adult plastic bag WS120-05-V (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Adult rubber bag WS110-05-Q (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Afex Active male urinal system with extra large briefs A100-XL-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Active male urinal system with large briefs A100-L-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Active male urinal system with medium briefs A100-M-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Active male urinal system with small briefs A100-S-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Active male urinal system with XX large briefs A100-2X-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Active male urinal system with XXX large briefs A100-3X-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex briefs extra large A200-XL-08 Black (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex briefs extra large A200-XL-08 White (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex briefs extra small A200-XS-08 Black (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex briefs extra small A200-XS-08 White (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex briefs large A200-L-08 Black (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex briefs large A200-L-08 White (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex briefs medium A200-M-08 Black (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex briefs medium A200-M-08 White (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex briefs small A200-S-08 Black (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex briefs small A200-S-08 White (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex briefs XX large A200-2X-08 Black (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex briefs XX large A200-2X-08 White (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex briefs XXX large A200-3X-08 Black (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex briefs XXX large A200-3X-08 White (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex collection bag stabilizer A710-S-09 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Core Supporter briefs extra large A200CS-XL White (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Core Supporter briefs extra small A200CS-XS White (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Core Supporter briefs large A200CS-L White (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Core Supporter briefs medium A200CS-M White (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Core Supporter briefs small A200CS-S White (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Core Supporter briefs XX large A200CS-2X White (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Core Supporter briefs XXX large A200CS-3X White (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Core Supporter male urinal system with extra large briefs A100XL-5105-C (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 devic...
- Afex Core Supporter male urinal system with extra small briefs A100XS-5105-C (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 devic...
- Afex Core Supporter male urinal system with large briefs A100L-5105-C (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Core Supporter male urinal system with medium briefs A100M-5105-C (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Core Supporter male urinal system with small briefs A100S-5105-C (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Core Supporter male urinal system with XX large briefs A1002X-5105-C (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Core Supporter male urinal system with XXX large briefs A1003X-5105-C (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex high receptacle sheath A300-F-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex leg bag holder A800-B-07 Black (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex leg bag holder A800-W-07 White (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex low receptacle sheath A300-L-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex low receptacle supersoft sheath A300-S-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Mobility Assisted male urinal system with extra large briefs A120-XL-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 devic...
- Afex Mobility Assisted male urinal system with large briefs A120-L-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Mobility Assisted male urinal system with medium briefs A120-M-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Mobility Assisted male urinal system with small briefs A120-S-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Mobility Assisted male urinal system with XX large briefs A120-2X-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Mobility Assisted male urinal system with XXX large briefs A120-3X-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Noctura bed bag configuration supplemental kit A140-N (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Noctura leg bag configuration supplemental kit A130-N (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Sedentary male urinal system with extra large briefs A110-XL-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Sedentary male urinal system with large briefs A110-L-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Sedentary male urinal system with medium briefs A110-M-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Sedentary male urinal system with small briefs A110-S-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Sedentary male urinal system with XX large briefs A110-2X-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex Sedentary male urinal system with XXX large briefs A110-3X-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex tube assembly A700-A-08 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex tube stabilizer A700-S-07 (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex urine collection bag A400-B-08 500ml (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex urine collection bag A400-E-08 1.5litre (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex urine collection bag A400-L-08 1.2litre (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex urine collection bag A400S 250ml (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex urine collection bag A400-X-08 2litre (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Afex vented urine collection bag A400-V-08 500ml (iMEDicare Ltd) 1 device
- Aquadry curved rubber cone large 787191 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry curved rubber cone medium 787183 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry curved rubber cone small 787175 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure flange adult 787078 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure flange adult 787086 29mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure flange adult 787094 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure flange adult 787108 35mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure flange adult 787116 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure flange adult 787124 41mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure flange adult 787132 44mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure flange paediatric 787000 12mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure flange paediatric 787019 15mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure flange paediatric 787027 18mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure flange paediatric 787035 22mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure flange paediatric 787043 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure urinal with ring 785709 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure urinal with ring 785717 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure urinal with ring 785725 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure urinal with ring and inner sleeve 470856 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure urinal with ring and scrotal support 785733 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure urinal with ring and scrotal support 785741 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry pubic pressure urinal with ring and scrotal support 785768 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry rubber belt 787205 112cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry rubber belt 787205 61cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry rubber belt 787205 71cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry rubber belt 787205 91.5cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry standard urinal with inner cuff 784001 29mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry standard urinal with inner cuff 784028 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry standard urinal with inner cuff 784036 35mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry standard urinal with inner cuff 784044 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry standard urinal with inner cuff 784052 41mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry straight rubber cone large 787167 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry straight rubber cone medium 787159 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Aquadry straight rubber cone small 787140 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Arizona male urinal LM751400 (Rusch UK Ltd) 1 device
- B
- Beambridge bed bottle closed end 6-BBC (Beambridge Medical) 1 device
- Beambridge bed bottle without tap 6-BB (Beambridge Medical) 1 device
- Beambridge bed bottle with tap 6-BBT (Beambridge Medical) 1 device
- Beambridge Lady Jug 6-45 (Beambridge Medical) 1 device
- Beambridge Pod 6-60 (Beambridge Medical) 1 device
- Beambridge Pod with tap 6-60T (Beambridge Medical) 1 device
- Bridge saddle urinal 6-26 (Beambridge Medical) 1 device
- Bridge urinal 6-18 (Beambridge Medical) 1 device
- Bridge urinal with tap 6-18T (Beambridge Medical) 1 device
- C
- Chailey adult pubic pressure flange curved top WS202-22-A 22mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Chailey adult pubic pressure flange curved top WS202-25-G 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Chailey adult pubic pressure flange curved top WS202-29-Q 29mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Chailey adult pubic pressure flange curved top WS202-32-D 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Chailey adult pubic pressure flange curved top WS202-35-K 35mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Chailey adult pubic pressure flange curved top WS202-38-R 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Chailey adult pubic pressure flange curved top WS202-44-L 44mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Chailey child pubic pressure flange curved top WS200-22-R 22mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Chailey male child urinal with plastic bag WR105-01-B (Mentor Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Chailey male urinal with plastic bag WP105-01-L (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Chailey male urinal with rubber bag WP100-01-P (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Child plastic bag WS120-01-M (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Child rubber bag WS110-01-G (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Child's pubic pressure flange WS025-13-K Sheath 13mm, flange 25mm (Mentor Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Child's pubic pressure flange WS025-16-R Sheath 16mm, flange 25mm (Mentor Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Child's pubic pressure flange WS025-19-X Sheath 19mm, flange 25mm (Mentor Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Child's pubic pressure flange WS025-22-L Sheath 22mm, flange 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Child's pubic pressure flange WS032-25-K Sheath 25mm, flange 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Child transverse rubber bag WS145-01-U (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Chiron geriatric urinal WP148-01-V (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Chiron male plastic urinal WP145-01-H (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Chiron male rubber urinal with webbing belt WP124-01-S (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Chiron urinal WP151-01-V (Mentor Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Curved coned top large 0625 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Curved coned top medium 0624 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Curved coned top small 0623 25mm flange (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- D
- Day urinal with belt Fig 2 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Day urinal with belt suspensory and thigh strap Fig 4 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Double based pubic pressure flange WS160-32-V 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Double based pubic pressure flange WS160-38-J 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Double based pubic pressure flange WS160-44-D 44mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- E
- Elastic belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0201 70cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Elastic belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0202 75cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Elastic belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0203 80cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Elastic belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0204 85cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Elastic belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0205 90cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Elastic belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0206 95cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Essex urinal system M400 21mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Essex urinal system M400 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Essex urinal system M400 31mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Essex urinal system M400 35mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Essex urinal system M400 40mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Essex urinal system with double based flange and bag KM 28 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Essex urinal system with flange and plastic bags KM 29 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- F
- Facepiece with belt and adjustable rubber understraps large, compatible with MK11, MK12 urinal syste...
- Facepiece with belt and adjustable rubber understraps medium, compatible with MK11, MK12 urinal syst...
- Facepiece with belt and adjustable rubber understraps small, compatible with MK11, MK12 urinal syste...
- Facepiece with belt and loop, compatible with MK2, MK4, MK5 urinal system 0430 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1...
- Facepiece with belt loop and scrotal support, compatible with MK2, MK4, MK5 urinal system 0441 (S.G....
- Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0401 70cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0402 75cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0403 80cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0404 85cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0405 90cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0406 95cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0407 100cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0408 105cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0409 110cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Flange with wide belt and scrotal support large, compatible with MK9, MK10 urinal system 0422 Waist ...
- Flange with wide belt and scrotal support medium, compatible with MK9, MK10 urinal system 0421 Waist...
- Flange with wide belt and scrotal support small, compatible with MK9, MK10 urinal system 0420 Waist ...
- Fridjohn urinal M600 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- G
- G.U. condom urinal 0021 568ml (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- G.U. condom urinal 0022 1136ml (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- G.U. nylon connector 0711 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- H
- Hallam bag NS200(a) (Ellis, Son & Paramore Ltd) 1 device
- Hallam belt NS200(b) (Ellis, Son & Paramore Ltd) 1 device
- Hallam modular urinal NS200 (Ellis, Son & Paramore Ltd) 1 device
- I
- Incontiaid re-usable urinal bottle 1350 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- J
- Jockey Male Urinal Hewee Go system WM 27 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- K
- Kipper inco set LM886100 (Rusch UK Ltd) 1 device
- L
- Long flanged plastic bag compatible with MK5, MK6, MK8, MK10, MK12 urinal system 0811 32/38mm (S.G.&...
- Long flanged plastic bag compatible with MK5, MK6, MK8, MK10, MK12 urinal system 0812 45mm (S.G.& P....
- Long flanged plastic bag with foam pad, compatible with MK4 urinal system 0821 32/38mm (S.G.& P.Payn...
- Long flanged plastic bag with foam pad, compatible with MK4 urinal system 0822 45mm (S.G.& P.Payne L...
- M
- Maguire adaptor and tubing 600532 (Bard Ltd) 1 device
- Maguire urinal and adaptor 050802 66cm-81cm (Bard Ltd) 1 device
- Maguire urinal and adaptor 050803 81cm-96cm (Bard Ltd) 1 device
- Maguire urinal and adaptor 050804 96cm-112cm (Bard Ltd) 1 device
- Male child pubic pressure urinal plastic bag with curved cone, medium WR013-01-R (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 d...
- Male child pubic pressure urinal plastic bag with curved cone, small WR011-01-H (Mentor Medical Ltd)...
- Male child pubic pressure urinal rubber bag with straight cone, medium WR007-01-D (Mentor Medical Lt...
- Male draining jug 6-50 (Beambridge Medical) 1 device
- Male draining jug with tap 6-50T (Beambridge Medical) 1 device
- Male dribbling bag and tapes Fig 9 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Male jockey belt JB/200 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male jockey outer receiver O/R (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male jockey urinal M200 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male jockey urinal ring SP/M200 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male jockey urinal rubber bag RB/M200 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male one piece urinal WP125-01-W (Mentor Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure flange WS038-19-R 19mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure flange WS038-22-E 22mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure flange WS038-25-L 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure flange WS038-29-U 29mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure flange WS038-32-H 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure flange WS038-35-P 35mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure flange WS038-38-V 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure flange WS038-41-J 41mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal curved cone large PP 9 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal curved cone large ZL0105 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal curved cone medium PP 7 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal curved cone medium ZL0103 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal curved cone small PP 5 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal curved cone small ZL0101 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal Fig 101 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal flange with sheath PP 3 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal flange ZL0053 25mm flange, 18mm sheath (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal flange ZL0059 32mm flange, 25mm sheath (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal flange ZL0060 38mm flange, 18mm sheath (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal flange ZL0061 38mm flange, 22mm sheath (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal flange ZL0062 38mm flange, 25mm sheath (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal flange ZL0063 38mm flange, 29mm sheath (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal flange ZL0064 38mm flange, 32mm sheath (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal flange ZL0065 44mm flange, 35mm sheath (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal flange ZL0066 44mm flange, 38mm sheath (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal plastic bag extra large straight top WP013-01-B (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal plastic bag large curved top WP011-01-S (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal plastic bag large straight top WP015-01-K (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal plastic bag with double based flange, extra large straight top WP041-01-J...
- Male pubic pressure urinal plastic bag with double based flange, large curved top WP035-01-V (Jade-E...
- Male pubic pressure urinal plastic bag with double based flange, large straight top WP038-01-J (Ment...
- Male pubic pressure urinal rubber bag extra large straight top WP005-01-E (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal rubber bag large curved top WP001-01-M (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal rubber bag large straight top WP003-01-V (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal rubber bag with double based flange, extra large straight top WP031-01-D ...
- Male pubic pressure urinal rubber bag with double based flange, large curved top WP025-01-Q (Mentor ...
- Male pubic pressure urinal rubber bag with double based flange, large straight top WP028-01-D (Mento...
- Male pubic pressure urinal straight cone extra large PP 10 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal straight cone extra large ZL0106 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal straight cone large PP 8 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal straight cone medium PP 6 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal straight cone medium ZL0102 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal straight cone small PP 4 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal straight cone small ZL0100 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal with inner sheath and extension tube Fig 104ET (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal with inner sheath Fig 104 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal with plastic bags PP 2 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal with plastic bags WM 21 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal with plastic bags ZL0001 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal with rubber bag PP 1 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal with rubber bag WM 19 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Male pubic pressure urinal with rubber bag ZL0001 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Male urinal for bed use WP136-01-G (Mentor Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Male urinal LU412 (Charles S. Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 1 device
- Male urinal with air vent and belt suspensory Fig 4a (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Male urinal with covered double chamber bag and belt Fig 104b (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 devic...
- Male urinal with double bag Fig 19 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male urinal with inner sheath Fig 111a (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male urinal with long bag and belt Fig 105 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Male urinal with long covered bag WM 57 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Male urinal with long rubber bag WM 53 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Male urinal with plastic bag and belt Fig 105 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male urinal with plastic bag and inner sheath Fig 106 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male urinal with plastic bag and scrotal support Fig 107 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male urinal with plastic bag Fig 4a (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male urinal with rubber bag and connection tube Fig 6a (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male urinal with rubber bag Fig 5 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Male urinal with short bag and belt Fig 104 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Male urinal with short covered bag and belt Fig 104a (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Male urinal with short covered bag WM 56 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Male urine bottle closed end 6-51 (Beambridge Medical) 1 device
- Mersey urinal with long bag and connecting tube LM753222 (Rusch UK Ltd) 1 device
- Mersey urinal with plastic bags and connecting tube LM753224 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Mersey urinal with standard bag and connecting tube LM753220 (Rusch UK Ltd) 1 device
- MK10 male incontinence appliance 0010 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- MK11 male incontinence appliance 0011 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- MK12 male incontinence appliance 0012 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- MK1 male incontinence appliance 0001 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- MK2 male incontinence appliance 0002 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- MK3 male incontinence appliance 0003 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- MK4 male incontinence appliance 0004 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- MK5 male incontinence appliance 0005 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- MK6 male incontinence appliance 0006 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- MK7 male incontinence appliance 0007 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- MK8 male incontinence appliance 0008 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- MK9 male incontinence appliance 0009 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- N
- Night drainage connector compatible with MK1, MK2, MK3, MK7, MK9, MK11 urinal system 0701 (S.G.& P.P...
- Night urinal with belt suspensory and thigh strap Fig 5 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Night urinal with long tube WM 59 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- O
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with extra large briefs AB/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S....
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with extra large briefs AB/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S....
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with extra large briefs AB/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charle...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with extra large briefs AB/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S....
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with extra large briefs AB/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charle...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with extra large briefs AB/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S....
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with extra large briefs AB/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S....
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with large briefs AB/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S. Bulle...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with large briefs AB/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S. Bulle...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with large briefs AB/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S. B...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with large briefs AB/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S. Bulle...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with large briefs AB/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S. B...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with large briefs AB/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S. Bulle...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with large briefs AB/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S. Bulle...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with medium briefs AB/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S. Bull...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with medium briefs AB/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S. Bull...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with medium briefs AB/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S. ...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with medium briefs AB/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S. Bull...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with medium briefs AB/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S. ...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with medium briefs AB/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S. Bull...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with medium briefs AB/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S. Bull...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with small briefs AB/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S. Bulle...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with small briefs AB/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S. Bulle...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with small briefs AB/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S. B...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with small briefs AB/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S. Bulle...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with small briefs AB/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S. B...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with small briefs AB/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S. Bulle...
- Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with small briefs AB/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S. Bulle...
- P
- Paraplegic male urinal Fig 110 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Payne's female urine director 0631 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Payne's male urine director 0630 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare double based pubic pressure flange LM846350 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure curved top large LM874103 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure curved top medium LM874102 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure curved top small LM874101 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange child LM844113 25mm flange, 13mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange child LM844116 25mm flange, 16mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange child LM844119 25mm flange, 19mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange child LM844122 25mm flange, 22mm sheath (Rusch UK Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange child LM845122 29mm flange, 22mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange child LM845125 29mm flange, 25mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange child LM845219 32mm flange, 19mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange child LM845222 32mm flange, 22mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange child LM845225 32mm flange, 25mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange LM846319 38mm flange, 19mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange LM846322 38mm flange, 22mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange LM846325 38mm flange, 25mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange LM846329 38mm flange, 29mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange LM846332 38mm flange, 32mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange LM847435 44mm flange, 35mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange LM847438 44mm flange, 38mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure flange LM847441 44mm flange, 41mm sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure standard bag large LM881003 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure standard bag medium LM881002 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure straight top extra large LM875214 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure straight top large LM875213 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure straight top medium LM875212 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare pubic pressure straight top small LM875211 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare rubber pubic flange LM854229 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Peoplecare transverse rubber bag LM881001 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Plastic bag compatible with MK1, MK2, MK3, MK7, MK9, MK11 urinal system 0801 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 d...
- Plastic bag with wide neck WS120-10-N (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Plastic bag WM 26 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic flange large opening WS001-05-H (Mentor Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure cone WM 23 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure flange 0520 25mm flange, 13mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure flange 0521 25mm flange, 17mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure flange 0522 25mm flange, 19mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure flange 0523 25mm flange, 22mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure flange 0524 32mm flange, 22mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure flange 0525 32mm flange, 25mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure flange 0526 38mm flange, 29mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure flange 0527 38mm flange, 32mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure flange 0528 45mm flange, 35mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure flange 0529 45mm flange, 38mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure flange 0530 45mm flange, 42mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure flange belt ZL0034 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Pubic pressure flange WM 22 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure urinal belt ZL0010 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Pubic pressure urinal curved rubber cone top large WS130-05-B (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Pubic pressure urinal curved rubber cone top medium WS130-03-W (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Pubic pressure urinal curved rubber cone top small WS130-01-S (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Pubic pressure urinal rubber bag adult ZL0155 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Pubic pressure urinal rubber bag child ZL0154 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Pubic pressure urinal rubber bag transverse ZL0153 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
- Pubic pressure urinal straight rubber cone top extra large WS135-07-C (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Pubic pressure urinal straight rubber cone top large WS135-05-X (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Pubic pressure urinal straight rubber cone top medium WS135-03-T (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Pubic pressure urinal straight rubber cone top small WS135-01-P (Mentor Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure urinal with plastic bag 0019 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Pubic pressure urinal with rubber bag 0019 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- R
- Reinforced coned top large compatible with MK1, MK2, MK9 urinal system 0603 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 de...
- Reinforced coned top medium compatible with MK1, MK2, MK9 urinal system 0602 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 d...
- Reinforced coned top small compatible with MK1, MK2, MK9 urinal system 0601 25mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)...
- Reinforced cone top with vent tube, large 0612 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Reinforced cone top with vent tube, medium 0611 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Reinforced cone top with vent tube, small 0610 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Rubber bag compatible with MK1, MK2, MK3, MK7, MK9, MK11 urinal system 0901 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 de...
- Rubber bag with vent tube, compatible with MK1, MK2, MK3, MK7, MK9, MK11 urinal system 0910 (S.G.& P...
- Rubber bag with vent tube WS140-05-G (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber bag with vent WM 105 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Rubber bag WM 24 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Rubber belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0101 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Rubber belt extra large compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0102 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 devic...
- Rubber double bag WS140-08-N (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber female extension tube 785776 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber flange compatible with MK11, MK12 urinal system 0516 38mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Rubber flange compatible with MK11, MK12 urinal system 0517 45mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm and combined reinforced top compatible with MK3 urinal system...
- Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm and understrap, extra large, compatible with MK1, MK6 urinal ...
- Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm and understrap, large, compatible with MK1, MK6 urinal system...
- Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm and understrap, medium, compatible with MK1, MK6 urinal syste...
- Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm and understrap, small, compatible with MK1, MK6 urinal system...
- Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm extra large, compatible with MK2, MK5, MK9, MK10 urinal syste...
- Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm large, compatible with MK2, MK5, MK9, MK10 urinal system 0512...
- Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm medium, compatible with MK2, MK5, MK9, MK10 urinal system 051...
- Rubber leg bag with air vent PP 13 (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber sheath WS168-22-C 22mm (Mentor Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Rubber sheath WS168-25-J 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber sheath WS168-29-S 29mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber sheath WS168-32-F 32mm (Mentor Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Rubber sheath WS168-38-T 38mm (Mentor Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Rubber urinal belt RB (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber urinal belt WS101-61-A 61cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-26 66cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-28 71cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-30 76cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-32 81cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-34 86cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-36 91cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-38 97cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-40 102cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-42 107cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-44 112cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-46 117cm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- S
- Sahara pubic pressure urinal with long bag and connection tube, standard LM755130 (DBT Medical Ltd) ...
- Sahara pubic pressure urinal with long rubber bag and connection tube, large LM755160 (DBT Medical L...
- Sahara pubic pressure urinal with medium bags and connection tube, standard LM755140 (DBT Medical Lt...
- Sahara pubic pressure urinal with medium plastic bags and connection tube, large LM755170 (DBT Medic...
- Sahara pubic pressure urinal with small plastic bags, paediatric LM755110 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Sahara pubic pressure urinal with small rubber bag, paediatric LM755109 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Sahara pubic pressure urinal with standard bag and connection tube, standard LM755120 (DBT Medical L...
- Sahara pubic pressure urinal with standard rubber bag and connection tube, large LM755150 (DBT Medic...
- Severn urinal with long bag and connecting tube LM752122 (Rusch UK Ltd) 1 device
- Severn urinal with plastic bags and connecting tube LM752124 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Severn urinal with standard bag and connecting tube LM752120 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Soft coned top compatible with MK11 urinal system 0619 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville condom urinal system 0020 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville kipper bag 0920 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal LM754001 20mm (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal LM754002 24mm (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal LM754003 25mm (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal LM754004 28mm (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal LM754005 32mm (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal LM754006 35mm (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal LM754007 38mm (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal LM754008 42mm (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal LM754009 45mm (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal LM754010 48mm (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal LM754011 51mm (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal LM754012 54mm (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal LM754013 57mm (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal LM754014 60mm (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal LM754015 63mm (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal sheath (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville male urinal with double bag SMDB (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville nylon connector 0710 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville rubber double bag urinal WP113-01-H (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville rubber double bag WS140-07-L (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville rubber sheath WM 20 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville rubber tube and connector 0712 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville sheath SMS (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville sheath type urinal WP110-01-U (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville sheath urinal WM 49 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville sheath WS162-19-N 19mm (Mentor Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville sheath WS162-22-B 22mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville sheath WS162-25-H 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville sheath WS162-29-R 29mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville sheath WS162-32-E 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville sheath WS162-35-L 35mm (Mentor Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville urinal with covered bag WM 18a (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Stoke Mandeville urinal WM 18 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Straight coned top large 0622 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Straight coned top medium 0621 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Straight coned top small 0620 25mm flange (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Surrey urinal MKII WP133-25-J 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Surrey urinal MKII WP133-32-F 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Surrey urinal MKII WP133-38-T 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Surrey urinal MKI WP130-25-V 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Surrey urinal MKI WP130-32-S 32mm (Mentor Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Surrey urinal MKI WP130-38-F 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- T
- Thames urinal with long bag and connecting tube LM751102 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Thames urinal with standard bag and connecting tube LM751100 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- U
- URIbag F pocket sized female urinal URIbag F 1.2litre (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 1 device
- URIbag pocket sized male urinal URIbag 1.2litre (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 1 device
- Uri-Drain urinal system LU18/20 20mm (Charles S. Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 1 device
- Uri-Drain urinal system LU18/25 25mm (Charles S. Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 1 device
- Uri-Drain urinal system LU18/27.5 27.5mm (Charles S. Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 1 device
- Uri-Drain urinal system LU18/30 30mm (Charles S. Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 1 device
- Uri-Drain urinal system LU18/32.5 32.5mm (Charles S. Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 1 device
- Uri-Drain urinal system LU18/35 35mm (Charles S. Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 1 device
- Uri-Drain urinal system LU18/40 40mm (Charles S. Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 1 device
- URIfem female urinal URIfem 1litre (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 1 device
- Urinal net suspensory WM 104 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Urinal net suspensory WS107-08-W (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Urinal system receiver WM 106 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Urinal webbing belt WM 102 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Urinal with covered bag, belt suspensory and thigh strap Fig 5a (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 dev...
- Urinal with long tube rubber bag Fig 6 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Urinal with short bag and belt Fig 106 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Urinal with short covered bag Fig 101 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- Uriwell urinal system 80-3360934-134 (Rubicon Healthcare) 1 device
- Urox cup extra large 1014 (C&G Medicare Ltd) 1 device
- Urox cup large 1013 (C&G Medicare Ltd) 1 device
- Urox cup medium 1012 (C&G Medicare Ltd) 1 device
- Urox cup small 1011 (C&G Medicare Ltd) 1 device
- Urox fixation pants extra large 3014 (C&G Medicare Ltd) 1 device
- Urox fixation pants large 3013 (C&G Medicare Ltd) 1 device
- Urox fixation pants medium 3012 (C&G Medicare Ltd) 1 device
- Urox fixation pants small 3011 (C&G Medicare Ltd) 1 device
- Urox gaiter extra large 2014 (C&G Medicare Ltd) 1 device
- Urox gaiter large 2013 (C&G Medicare Ltd) 1 device
- Urox gaiter medium 2012 (C&G Medicare Ltd) 1 device
- Urox gaiter small 2011 (C&G Medicare Ltd) 1 device
- Urox urinal system starting kit 5011 (C&G Medicare Ltd) 1 device
- V
- Varsity male urinal WM 14 (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 1 device
- W
- Web belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0301 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Willis male day urinal IU/11 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Willis male night urinal IU/12 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Willis male urinal IU/9 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Willis male urinal to contain penis and scrotum IU/11B/893C (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Willis male urinal with long narrow bag IU/365 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Willis male urinal with long rubber bag IU/15/3977 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Willis male urinal with short rubber bag IU/43 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Willis suspension bag large IU/1458 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Willis suspension bag medium IU/1458 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Willis suspension bag small IU/1458 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd) 1 device
- Wye urinal with long bag LM751175 (Rusch UK Ltd) 1 device
- Wye urinal with long night extension tube LM751301 (Rusch UK Ltd) 1 device
- Wye urinal with separate connecting tube LM751300 (DBT Medical Ltd) 1 device
- Wye urinal with short bag LM751120 (Rusch UK Ltd) 1 device
- Y
- Y.B. Wet urinal system M500 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Y.B. Wet urinal system M500 29mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Y.B. Wet urinal system M500 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Y.B. Wet urinal system M500 36mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
- Y.B. Wet urinal system M500 41mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device