Home / Virtual products: Ti / Timolol 2.5mg/ml eye drops preservative free
Timolol 2.5mg/ml eye drops preservative free
- ID
- 21014511000001101
- Therapeutic Moiety
- Timolol
- Name
- Timolol 2.5mg/ml eye drops preservative free
- Preferred name basis
- rINN - Recommended International Non-proprietary
- Date of name applicability
- 10 Apr 2017
- Previous name
- Timolol 0.25% eye drops preservative free
- Basis of previous name
- rINN - Recommended International Non-proprietary
- Reason for name change
- Other
- Prescribing status
- Valid as a prescribable product
- Preservative free
- 1
- Dose form
- Continuous
- Ingredients
- Timolol maleate
- Form & Route
- solutiondrops.ophthalmic
- Drug formulations
- Eye drops
- Drug route
- Ocular
- Control drug
- No Controlled Drug Status