Forms 266
- Impregnated cigarette
- Impregnated dressing
- Infusion
- Inhalation gas
- Inhalation powder
- Inhalation solution
- Inhalation vapour
- Inhalation vapour ointment
- Instant herbal tea
- Intestinal gel
- Intraarterial solution
- Intraperitoneal irrigation solution
- Intraperitoneal solution
- Intrauterine device
- Intrauterine gel
- Intravesical solution
- Irrigation
- Irrigation solution
- Kit for radiopharmaceutical preparation
- Liquid
- Living tissue equivalent
- Lozenge
- Medicated chewing-gum
- Medicated nail lacquer
- Medicated plaster
- Modified-release capsule
- Modified-release drops
- Modified-release granules
- Modified-release muco-adhesive buccal tablet
- Modified-release tablet
- Mouthwash
- Muco-adhesive buccal tablet
- Nasal cream
- Nasal drops
- Nasal gel
- Nasal ointment
- Nasal solution
- Nasal spray suspension
- Nebuliser dispersion
- Nebuliser liquid
- Not applicable
- Obsolete - Injection
- Obsolete - Intravenous infusion
- Obsolete - Suspension for infusion
- Ocular irrigation solution
- Ointment
- Ophthalmic insert
- Ophthalmic strip
- Oral capsule
- Oral drops
- Oral emulsion
- Oral gel
- Oral granules
- Oral gum
- Oral liquid
- Oral lyophilisate
- Oral or rectal solution
- Oral or rectal suspension
- Oral powder
- Oral solution
- Oral suspension
- Oral tablet
- Orodispersible film
- Orodispersible tablet
- Oromucosal gel
- Oromucosal liquid
- Oromucosal paste
- Oromucosal solution
- Paste
- Pastille
- Periodontal gel
- Periodontal insert
- Pessary
- Pillules
- Poultice
- Powder
- Powder and gel for gel
- Powder and solvent for dispersion for injection
- Powder and solvent for intravesical solution
- Powder and solvent for intravesical suspension
- Powder and solvent for nebuliser solution
- Powder and solvent for prolonged-release suspension for inj
- Powder and solvent for solution for infusion
- Powder and solvent for solution for injection
- Powder and solvent for solution for instillation
- Powder and solvent for solution for intraocular irrigation
- Powder and solvent for suspension for infusion
- Powder and solvent for suspension for injection
- Powder and solvent for suspension for instillation
- Powder and suspension for suspension for injection
- Powder for dispersion for infusion
- Powder for gastroenteral liquid
- Powder for gastroenteral or oral liquid
- Powder for injection
- Powder for intravesical solution
- Powder for nebuliser solution
- Powder for oral or rectal suspension
- Powder for oral solution
- Powder for oral suspension
- Powder for reconstitution for instillation