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Appliance packs 98470
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter, InvisiClose outlet and 2-sided flocking, standard S7431F 32mm Opaque (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter, InvisiClose outlet and 2-sided flocking, small S7440F 70mm Opaque (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter, InvisiClose outlet and 2-sided flocking, small S7439F 57mm Opaque (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter, InvisiClose outlet and 2-sided flocking, small S7438F 45mm Opaque (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter, InvisiClose outlet and 2-sided flocking, small S7437F 38mm Opaque (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter, InvisiClose outlet and 2-sided flocking, small S7436F 32mm Opaque (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter and InvisiClose outlet, standard S7451F 70mm Opaque (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter and InvisiClose outlet, standard S7450F 57mm Opaque (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter and InvisiClose outlet, standard S7449F 45mm Opaque (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter and InvisiClose outlet, standard S7448F 38mm Opaque (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter and InvisiClose outlet, standard S7447F 32mm Opaque (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter and InvisiClose outlet, standard S7445N 70mm Clear (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter and InvisiClose outlet, standard S7444N 57mm Clear (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter and InvisiClose outlet, standard S7443N 45mm Clear (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter and InvisiClose outlet, standard S7442N 38mm Clear (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura ileostomy bag with filter and InvisiClose outlet, standard S7441N 32mm Clear (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
- Combihesive Natura convex insert S7629 57mm (ConvaTec Ltd) 5 device
- Combihesive Natura convex insert S7627 45mm (ConvaTec Ltd) 5 device
- Combihesive Natura convex insert S7626 45mm (ConvaTec Ltd) 5 device
- Combihesive Natura convex insert S7624 38mm (ConvaTec Ltd) 5 device
- CombiDERM-N dressing 7.5cm x 7.5cm square (ConvaTec Ltd) 1 dressing
- CombiDERM-N dressing 7.5cm x 7.5cm square (ConvaTec Ltd) 10 dressing
- CombiDERM-N dressing 15cm x 25cm rectangular (ConvaTec Ltd) 5 dressing
- CombiDERM-N dressing 15cm x 25cm rectangular (ConvaTec Ltd) 1 dressing
- CombiDERM-N dressing 14cm x 14cm square (ConvaTec Ltd) 1 dressing
- CombiDERM-N dressing 14cm x 14cm square (ConvaTec Ltd) 10 dressing
- CombiDERM dressing 20cm x 23cm triangular (ConvaTec Ltd) 5 dressing
- CombiDERM dressing 20cm x 23cm triangular (ConvaTec Ltd) 1 dressing
- CombiDERM dressing 20cm x 20cm square (ConvaTec Ltd) 5 dressing
- CombiDERM dressing 20cm x 20cm square (ConvaTec Ltd) 1 dressing
- CombiDERM dressing 15cm x 18cm triangular (ConvaTec Ltd) 5 dressing
- CombiDERM dressing 15cm x 18cm triangular (ConvaTec Ltd) 1 dressing
- CombiDERM dressing 15cm x 18cm triangular (ConvaTec Ltd) 10 dressing
- CombiDERM dressing 14cm x 14cm square (ConvaTec Ltd) 1 dressing
- CombiDERM dressing 14cm x 14cm square (ConvaTec Ltd) 10 dressing
- CombiDERM dressing 10cm x 10cm square (ConvaTec Ltd) 1 dressing
- CombiDERM dressing 10cm x 10cm square (ConvaTec Ltd) 10 dressing
- Coltapaste bandage 7.5cm (Smith & Nephew Healthcare Ltd) 6 m
- Colotip 1110 (Coloplast Ltd) 1 device
- Colostomy Plus deodorant (TJ Shannon Ltd) 7 ml
- Colostomy outfit with Easychange bags TJS948T (TJ Shannon Ltd) 1 device
- Colostomy night belt 14c (E Sallis Ltd) 1 device
- Colostomy night belt 14b (E Sallis Ltd) 1 device
- Colostomy night bag with tap outlet TJS948k (TJ Shannon Ltd) 1 device
- Colostomy night bag TJS948e (TJ Shannon Ltd) 1 device
- Colostomy facepiece NSI 9 77mm (A H Shaw and Partners Ltd) 1 device
- Colostomy facepiece NSI 9 65mm (A H Shaw and Partners Ltd) 1 device
- Colostomy facepiece NSI 9 45mm (A H Shaw and Partners Ltd) 1 device
- Colostomy day belt 15a (E Sallis Ltd) 1 device
- Colostomy day bag with tap outlet TJS948j (TJ Shannon Ltd) 1 device
- Colostomy day bag TJS948f (TJ Shannon Ltd) 1 device
- Colostomy bag WM 16 305mm x 127mm (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 10 device
- Colostomy bag WM 15 305mm x 102mm (Ward Surgical & Supplies Ltd) 10 device
- Colostomy bag with plaster (TJ Shannon Ltd) 12 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal and filter 3329 44mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal and filter 3328 32mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal and filter 3326 76mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal and filter 3325 64mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal and filter 3324 51mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal and filter 3323 38mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal and filter 3322 25mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal and filter 3319 44mm Opaque (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal and filter 3318 32mm Opaque (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal and filter 3316 76mm Opaque (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal and filter 3315 64mm Opaque (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal and filter 3314 51mm Opaque (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal and filter 3313 38mm Opaque (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal and filter 3312 25mm Opaque (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal 7169 44mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal 7168 32mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal 7166 76mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal 7165 64mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal 7164 51mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal 7163 38mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with karaya 5 seal 7162 25mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
- Colostomy bag with filter 3149 44mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 50 device
- Colostomy bag with filter 3148 32mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 50 device
- Colostomy bag with filter 3145 64mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 50 device
- Colostomy bag with filter 3144 51mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 50 device
- Colostomy bag with filter 3143 38mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 50 device
- Colostomy bag with filter 3142 25mm Transparent (Hollister Ltd) 50 device
- Colostomy bag with elastic neck (TJ Shannon Ltd) 50 device
- Colostomy bag TJS948g (TJ Shannon Ltd) 100 device
- Colostomy bag NSI 65 350mm x 204mm (A H Shaw and Partners Ltd) 100 device
- Colostomy appliance TJS962 (TJ Shannon Ltd) 1 device
- Coloset ileostomy bag 713689 Medium starter hole (Salts Healthcare) 30 device
- Coloset colostomy bag 713658 Large starter (Salts Healthcare) 30 device
- Coloset colostomy bag 713656 Small starter (Salts Healthcare) 30 device
- Coloplast sterile catheter valve CV3808 (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
- Coloplast OAD deodorant 1523 (Coloplast Ltd) 37 ml
- Coloplast OAD deodorant 1523 (Coloplast Ltd) 36 ml
- Coloplast Minicap two piece ostomy system urostomy bag 2808 50mm Opaque (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
- Coloplast Minicap two piece ostomy system urostomy bag 2807 40mm Opaque (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
- Coloplast Micro-bag two piece ostomy system urostomy bag 14206 60mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
- Coloplast Micro-bag two piece ostomy system urostomy bag 14205 50mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
- Coloplast Micro-bag two piece ostomy system urostomy bag 14204 40mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
- Coloplast drainable night drainage bag 21365 2litre (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
- Coloplast clamp 9503 (Coloplast Ltd) 20 device
- Coloplast Brava lubricating deodorant sachets 12060 (Coloplast Ltd) 20 sachet
- Coloplast Brava lubricating deodorant 12061 (Coloplast Ltd) 240 ml