API refactoring and deployment optimisation

Case study,

Specific steps I take to refactor existing APIs and improve their maintainability and reliability

First step is to establish a test suite. Existing code can’t have unit tests easily written, so it must have an integration test suite. The suite is created by collecting various responses of various endpoints using different permutations of input. The point is that after the changes are done to the system under the hood, these responses are not to change unexpectedly. I call this a crust test and it is something I did for multiple clients prior to starting work on untested APIs. Crust test, which is a term I coined myself, differs from normal integration tests because it runs off live data before a minimal test database loaded from fixtures is established, if ever.

Once the crust test suite is in place, which I normally run using PyTest, Nose or Django Test framework with my custom multi test case class. Work can be started on maintainability and reliability. Good starting point is upgrading underlying libraries or requirements used to their latest version, upgrading Python and carrying out any fixes. Test suite is regularly run making sure that changes didn't break anything. I usually start with a tool called prospector and clean up the warnings emitted. There is much that can be done to Python code to make it better, this is an iterative process and it is not unusual that after several iterations and many thousands of small changes the outputs are the same but the underlying system code is much more performant, smaller, better documented, typed, tested, future-proof, PEP8 and upgraded to use latest tools.

Sometimes thousands of lines of dead code get deleted, sometimes thousands of lines of live code can be replaced using a great new or old external library, sometimes a huge ageing external library can be replaced with few lines of own custom code.

It’s opportunistic. What I love about this work is that it is akin to creating a classic sculpture, working by removing material. Coding by deletion is a valid way to operate as a coder in many existing systems.

Importantly errors should not pass silently unless explicitly silenced. One code smell I always track like a hawk is empty except when handling exceptions. Each one in the code base that I find, I track and address as a separate bug with tests until they are all addressed. Empty excepts are a fairly common practice, which I find unacceptable.

Robust error logging framework to facilitate efficient issue identification and debugging

I normally use sentry.io, that I configure with one environment variable called the DSN, I import sentry library and voilà. Sentry can be run on site in a container.

In the past I used a custom Django app for collecting errors into my database and grouping them using a hash and this worked well too. Any new regression triggered an email sent to me and texts can be done too. Sentry replaced this effort.

For debugging, I use my custom tools that I build into the API UI and docs that are only visible during development, especially a small toolbar showing me all database queries run with time they took, as needed also any other blocking external calls that may cause a lag.

Automated testing methodologies and tools I use to ensure that new developments do not introduce regressions

Already mentioned crust test with multi test running on PyTest or other. Next step is adding coverage.py to see my blind spots, which is normally amazing at identifying dead code and code smells by generating a HTML report for each Python file which I examine and take actions.

Crust test is called that because it’s about getting maximum coverage quickly with minimum code and effort, while also because untested code isn’t malleable and is prone to breaking hence crust. Once this is established, testing can go deeper with some unit tests or acceptance tests when code is malleable again and can be changed to fit new requirements.

Streamlined deployment architecture using GitLab/GitHub/bare origin repository and CI pipelines

My standard work architecture consists of three repositories. Local working repo on my and each developer's machine. Remote origin bare repository, which may or may not be same as GitLab's and may or may not sit on the same server as the edge deployment repository.

Once work is done and tested locally, it is pushed to bare origin, where CI/CD can run usually based on a testing/post commit bash script. Travis is one good way to run CI/CD including test, coverage, prospector and any other hooks over different possible deployment environments. Some teams use Jenkins for CI, black and isort for formatting. While I used these in the past I am not a proponent of these tools. Other options exist in plenty. Once all passed a build is ready and can be deployed straight to a beta/preview environment if one exists.

If it doesn't exist I tend to set it up depending on size of the team and project and also depending on how different are local dev environment compared to deployment.

Deployment to live when downtime is required I normally do completely manually by pulling from bare origin to live environment along with running any migration scripts and making sure all is working 100 percent. Once some trust is established in the pipeline, this can be automated for smaller releases, but not for the big ones.

I normally have a main/master branch that is always ready to deploy and development and feature branches merged to this one when passing.

Coordinating with stakeholders and vendors, to define and execute deployment procedures and ensure smooth integration processes

I study vendor documentation and work out a way to develop a procedure. When I hit a snag, I contact their customer support for help and resolve any issues. Deployment has to be agreed with the business or product owner to minimise downtime to end users and ensure they are happy with it. In some places I worked to a specific deployment procedure for official release. Such as when security testing, pentesting and making sure that the running code hash matches approved release hash has to be ensured. This is often done in banking and finance.

Other developers on the team normally get training from me on using ssh, linux shell and local testing. Sometimes I task junior developers with writing tests.

Pull requests and code reviews are established to ensure different stakeholders get their say.

Prioritizing the refactoring efforts to balance the need for code optimisation with the need to minimize disruption to the existing system

Code optimisation and refactoring is not meant to cause business disruption. That’s why extensive testing and a deployment procedure is in place. It did happen in the past when unexpected behaviour of a live database caused me to sit there fixing it for 18 hours straight with unlimited downtime agreed by my co-founder to push an important release. If a live system is down, I fix it or rollback. While personally I never had the luxury, some businesses ensure to have an experienced backup developer at hand for cases of a bigger deployment turning sour. There are human limitations to consider, we all need to eat and sleep.

Before a deployment I ensure there is always backups to rollback to including recent working full image and database dumps.

I also tend to use the same operating system and database to develop, test and deploy code and with many clients Docker images are used to ensure consistency of test and deployment environment but this is not a rule.

Strategies to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams, including Data Scientists, Data Engineers, and ML Engineers, to gather requirements and ensure smooth integration

Initial requirements gathering meeting, regular pair programming rotating different team members for integrating our changes and expert knowledge, merging, pull requests and code reviews, live coding sessions with product owner. Iterative regular feedback gathering via regular phone calls, chat or email to ensure API responses match the requirements of various team members once the work is done. Committing work daily to CI to ensure work does not get stuck on a broken local or in case of accident. Working on smaller manageable tasks.

Ensuring that the API remains performant and scalable as the company grows and the data volume increases

The initial architecture has to be good enough to handle X times expected load. Swarm testing is one way. Having plenty of resources to spare under current peak load. Making sure that by adding resources such as application servers I can handle additional load. Having a replication strategy (master/slave) for database servers, database/data sharding etc. There is many things that can be done to plan ahead as well as remove bottlenecks as and when they crop up. PaaS and IaaS solutions as well as good working relationship with dedicated operations staff is also important. I am more and more keen on clients running owned on-premise infrastructure where additional compute resources can be purchased and owned rather than cloud rented.

Monitoring and evaluating the success of refactoring and deployment optimisation efforts. Metrics tracked, and use of that data to inform future improvements

Initial benchmarks and continuous improvement to ongoing benchmarks. I normally benchmark time of API responses, time that any blocking queries took, I track various page load metrics, warnings count, number of opened issues.

Timing is for example collected using a loop over all tested endpoints in a crust test.

API response timing I incorporate into my test suite as a linked table that gets committed with rest of the test code making sure that responses not only stay unchanged to expected output but are also equal or faster than their previous time before any changes are deployed. One can then see history of the times in the linked table (a simple tuple of tests and times) and lower the accepted times for a release to pass. Instant is fast enough.

Number of warnings generated by prospector and other tools and linters (with agreed config as to line length and acceptable style) is another tracked metric and release should not pass if these go over set threshold. This accepted threshold similarly will be continuously lowered. No warnings is good enough. One can always mark some lines as #noQA

Francis Malina, fullstack software developer

14th of March 2024

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